interested in training in the prophetic?
The Prophetic gifts are the revelatory gifts of the Holy Spirit that has been given to every believer in accordance to 1 Corinthians: Chapter 12 verses 4-10 (ESV), these are; the utterance of wisdom, utterance of knowledge, prophecy and ability to distinguish between spirits, these gifts work will sometimes work in conjunction or intertwine with also the gift of tongues and the interpretation of tongues.
Things we can help you with
To renew and build your confidence in hearing the inner revelatory voice of the Holy Spirit for yourself (John 10:27)
To renew and build your confidence in hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit for your family, friends, work colleagues, neighbours and Community. (1 Corinthians 14: 24-25)
To fulfil your call to walk like Jesus, He has already declared to you ‘the works I do, you shall do and do greater’ (John 14:12)
To help bring forth the continuous overflow of the Spirit which is bubbling up on the inside of you, for Jesus declare ‘out of your inner most being will flow rivers of living water’ (John 4:14 & 7:38)
reasons to learn the prophetic
Reason one
Enable you to grow in your relationship with the Father.
Reason two
To help build, comfort and encourage.
Reason three
To hear from God concerning the past, present and future.
Reason four
The bible instructions to earnestly desire spiritual gifts especially that you may prophesy.
Reason five
The bible instructions that we should the develop and practice our spiritual gifts by reason of use
What our members say
Developing Your Prophetic Gift
“The material is well structured the teaching sessions on the biblical foundations of prophecy and the opportunity to try out techniques in the practical workshops. It clearly involves a huge amount of commitment, time and prayer, Thank you”
“This manual is full of wisdom, truth, principles and values for growing up into all things in Christ. It is packed with practical guidelines that will empower people to study the prophetic